You can get help with IRS tax problems no matter what kind of problem you’re experiencing. The IRS has very heavy-handed tax collection procedures, but that doesn’t mean you have no recourse. It just means you need help dealing with the IRS, because they are a government agency with the power of levy, lien and seizure.
If you’ve ever talked to someone who’s been through a tax audit, chances are it isn’t the first one they’ve experienced. Sometimes it seems like the IRS has a “hit list”, and once you make it to the list, it’s hard to get off. The new tax laws addressed this issue, because the process had turned into a form of taxpayer harassment.
The point is that there are many different reasons why someone may need help with IRS tax problems. You can’t assume that tax collections and notices are always right and true. You may legitimately owe back taxes, but if the IRS is left to their own devices, those taxes can increase far beyond what’s reasonable or fair.
The IRS is not a nice agency even though they make noises about being friendlier and more customer service oriented. But the harsh reality is that the IRS is a giant collection agency, and like any collection agency, their sole purpose is to squeeze as much out of an account as possible.
The IRS is very good at squeezing too. In fact, they are probably the only known agency on the face of the earth that really can get blood out of a turnip. They add penalties and interest on top of taxes you already know you can’t pay.
That’s when the squeezing starts in the form of levies, liens, seizures, collection notices, phone calls and so on. You pay and pay and pay and never seem to make a dent in the balance due. You should really get help with IRS tax problems long before this point, but many people wait until they’re desperate or the IRS squeezing begins to threaten their house or business.
When you find yourself in a position where you need help with IRS tax problems, the next step is to retain professional representation. When you have a skilled tax attorney negotiating with the IRS for a settlement in your favor, the squeezing starts.
There’s an old but upbeat expression about turning lemons into lemonade. When you have a tax negotiator working for you to obtain either a reduced tax amount you can afford to pay or a payment plan, or both, it’s like turning the lemons of tax collection into the lemonade of relief. Tax relief is possible for anybody no matter how tough or grim the situation may appear.
The key is to get help with IRS tax problems today and not wait for tomorrow.