15 Day Free Trial Tax Relief Services | 30 Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Free Status Reports, And Free IRS Penalty Abatement Request!

William McConnaughy, CPA

Best Results

Delinquent tax settlements that will save you money either permanently, or for as long as possible.

No Levies

Action will be taken to prevent bank levies, wage or retirement benefit garnishments from being issued.

Lowest Fees

I will beat any fee quote given to you by any tax relief company for similar services to be rendered.

$0 Down – Free Trial

No payment due for first fifteen days and full refund of fees within the first thirty days of service if unsatisfied.

Your Tax Help
Pro Experience

William D. McConnaughy CPA

As a former IRS Revenue Agent, and a Certified Public Accountant with a Master of Science in Taxation degree, I offer unique insight into all tax and financial matters.

Years of Professional
Tax Experience
Cases That I Have
Successfully Resolved

Free Case Evaluation

Personalized 1 On 1 Back Taxes Help Is Here For You.  I handle every case personally, so from the moment you initially contact my office to the final outcome of your tax matters, you can rest assured that I will be right by your side every step of the way, and will do all I can to help you protect your assets from the tax collectors, and regain a strong financial footing.

When you contact my office you will have the opportunity to schedule a free case evaluation. I will help you zero in on what exactly needs to be done in order to secure a satisfactory outcome to your case and achieve your financial goals. With my guidance, you can secure a settlement quickly and efficiently that can result in you paying the lowest tax possible.  Life changing back taxes help is at your finger tips, call me today to find out what I can do for you.  Tax prayers get answered at this website.  Call now. You will be glad you did.

Google Reviews

As a former IRS Revenue Agent, and a Certified Public Accountant with a Master of Science in Taxation degree, I have the knowledge to help you quickly and correctly identify:

  • Current tax problem status
  • Actions needed to prevent recurrence of tax problems
  • How to achieve tax return filing compliance
  • Proper presentation of financial information to qualify for lowest tax settlement possible
  • Problematic tax collection officers and how to manage or bypass them
  • Opportunities for appellate filings in pursuit of the best settlement
  • Opportunities for penalty abatement
  • Lien release or withdrawal opportunities
  • How to secure the release of levies

Ask about our FREE IRS status & settlement report, detailing exactly where you stand with IRS, and where you stand in securing the best possible settlement with them.

It’s important to me that you get an honest evaluation of your tax relief needs with proper guidance.  In this regard I have created a separate tax relief reviews site designed specifically to help people make informed choices regarding their tax representation. This website includes examples of consumer complaints filed and helpful information from experts on what to watch out for.  The scammers are out there, so please take a moment to read up on how to protect yourself, https://best-tax-relief-services-companies.com

My Guarantee to You

From the moment you initially contact my office to the final outcome of your tax matters, you can rest assured that I will do all I can to help you protect your assets and properties.

Best results
I will secure a settlement of your delinquent tax accounts that allows you to keep as much of your money in your pocket either permanently, or for as long as possible. This may take the form of either an Offer In Compromise, Currently Not Collectible, Partial Pay Installment Agreement, Abatement, or an Installment Agreement.

Lowest fees
I will beat any fee quote given to you by any tax relief company for similar services to be rendered.

No levies
I will take action to prevent bank levies, wage or retirement benefit garnishments from being issued against you.

$0 Down – Free Trial
I am so certain of my ability to help you that I am willing to show you what I can do with no payment due for services for the first fifteen days after you engage me, and double that promise to you with a full refund of fees paid within the first thirty days of service if for any reason you wish to discontinue my help.

Recent Comments

Request a Free Consultation

Nationwide Tax Relief Services

Please contact me at the telephone number or email address listed below when same day tax services are needed.


  • Address : 3550 Watt Ave Ste 140, Sacramento CA 95821-2666
  • Phone : 888-622-1272
  • Email : williammcconnaughycpa@gmail.com

Although we are located in Sacramento, California we provide service to clients literally worldwide. Distance is never an obstacle, nor are in-person office visits ever necessary.

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